Could you step up and be the 2019 Training Director for JCI UK?

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Could you step up and be the 2019 Training Director for JCI UK?

Posted By admin |16 Aug 2018
Could you step up and be the 2019 Training Director for JCI UK?
‘Training’ is one of the key areas of opportunity that JCI offers as well as with ‘business’, ‘community’, ‘international’ and ‘social’.  It’s the role of the JCI UK Training Director to help lead and develop the national training strategy as part of the 2019 National Team. This role would suit somebody who has a real interest and enthusiasm for personal development and helping our members learn new skills and knowledge that will be relevant to them within JCI and outside of JCI, such as in the workplace.  Ideally this would be somebody who has training experience. Over the last few years, JCI UK has developed and regularly run a suite of training academies (Public Speaking, Training, Marketing and Leadership ‘LEAP’) that have been well received and valued by members and indeed non-members who have graduated from them.  For example, a high proportion of LEAP graduates then go on to take up leadership roles on their local council teams or on National Board. One of the great things about JCI is that we offer the chance to try out the skills learned and developed through our training courses by getting involved in local or national projects.

Public Speaking Academy Graduates 2017

Could you step up? Find out more - 2019 Training Director Role. If you wish to stand, please complete the intention to stand template for 2019 – this asks for the reasons you want to stand, what experience you have and the ideas you have for the role.  You then need to get a JCI Chamber to propose you and another to second you – this would usually by the President of the proposing or seconding Chamber.  Then e-mail this to Vicky Biggs, 2018 Admin Director at and also myself at the latest, by 8pm on 17th August 2018.  If more than one person stands for a particular role, we will let you know in case you wish to prepare an election campaign.  National Board roles will then be voted on at the JCI UK Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 15th September. Mark Smith 2018 Deputy National President JCI UK Senator #76527 E: M: 07977 422341