Could you step up and be a 2019 Regional Group Chair for JCI UK?

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Could you step up and be a 2019 Regional Group Chair for JCI UK?

Posted By admin |03 Aug 2018
Could you step up and be a 2019 Regional Group Chair for JCI UK?
This time in our series of blogs focusing on the roles of the 2019 National Team for JCI UK, we feature the roles of the Regional Group Chairs (RGCs). I say ‘Chairs’ as in plural deliberately; there is scope for up to three RGCs to join the National Team next year: 1) an RGC for the South*; 2) a new role as RGC for the North West*; and 3) RGC for Yorkshire (which is voted for by members of JCI Yorkshire Forum at their AGM in December).  * Please note, the RGCs for the South and the RGC for the North West (covering for example Northern Ireland and Manchester) will be voted on at the JCI UK AGM in September. Being a voice and a cheerleader! Jasmine Lambert from JCI Portsmouth who was the RGC for the South Region twice (in 2014 and 2017) says: "the role mainly involves being a voice for the Chambers in your region, to and from the National Board, which in itself was a great experience. Really the RGC role is about being a great cheerleader - helping cheer the Local Presidents on and provide advice and support when they need it. You also get to oversee the organisation of JCI Summerfest our annual southern regional event, usually hosted by a different local chamber each year!" "I was the Yorkshire RGC in 2017 and I totally agree with Jasmine's description of the role.  An RGC has often been a Local President and therefore can really understand the tough parts, the frustrating parts but also the many rewarding aspects of the role.  As RGC, you can use this insight to help motivate, support and encourage the Presidents in your region.  It was also fun to organise regional public speaking competitions and other events and to keep up with some of the more unusual regional traditions - do ask me about that over a cuppa or a vodka!" Mark Smith 2017 Yorkshire RGC Making connections One of the things that members have already been telling us is that they would like to know more about other members of JCI within the UK.  There are lots of examples where we may not know very much, if at all, about what our fellow members do outside of JCI - what do they do for work? What do they study? What other groups are they connected with? So part of the RGCs role and the new role of Growth and Development Director, will be to help us better connect with each other and look for opportunities to further support and collaborate with each other both within and outside of JCI. Are you up for the challenge? Jasmine says "if you want a fun, hands on, people orientated role, this is the one for you!"  For more information, please read the 2019 RGCs Role. If you wish to stand, please complete the intention to stand template for 2019 – this asks for the reasons you want to stand, what experience you have and the ideas you have for the role.  You then need to get a JCI Chamber to propose you and another to second you – this would usually by the President of the proposing or seconding Chamber.  Then e-mail this to Vicky Biggs, 2018 Admin Director at and also myself at the latest, by 8pm on 17th August 2018.  If more than one person stands for a particular role, we will let you know in case you wish to prepare an election campaign.  National Board roles will then be voted on at the JCI UK Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 15th September.   Mark Smith 2018 Deputy National President JCI UK Senator #76527 E: M: 07977 422341