So you don’t network? I bet you do without knowing it!

  • JCI UK / 2012 / So you don’t network? I bet you do without knowing it!

So you don’t network? I bet you do without knowing it!

Posted By admin |24 Jul 2012
So you don’t network? I bet you do without knowing it!

Thursday saw the halfway point in JCI Barnsley's Personal Development Program for 2012. Just like the other sessions we've had, it was insightful, informative, helpful and most of all fun. The topic for this event was Networking and it was rolled out by Brian Butcher of The Fruit Tree Business Growth Club. Now some of you many have switched off as soon as I said ‘Networking' as you may think it's not for you as you don't attend any Networking events so what would be the point in reading anymore? Well, Networking is important for everyone and you are probably doing it already without being aware of it.

Are you on Facebook? Twitter? LinkedIN? Do you in your job role speak to people outside your department or have regular contact with other companies? Do you go to the pub? Are you a member of a sports team or organisation? If you answered yes to any of those, then you network. You may not be doing it at a formal Networking event, but you are still networking.

The reason you need to know about it, is that it boils down to what people think about you and how they describe you when you're not there. Would someone recommend you for a job role or promotion? Do people know what areas you are skilful and knowledgeable in? Can they recommend you to someone, safe in the knowledge you'll do the job right and not damage their reputation? That's what networking is about. A lot of the themes covered fit really nicely with the ‘Brand Me' session we had last month and I would recommend that everyone attend both sessions. You will get something out of both of them.

As a business owner, Networking for me is key for business growth and I went with the aim of getting some form of confirmation that the way I tackle networking is the most effective. I know other who attended were completely new to the formal side of networking so were wanting some basic starting points. This meant Brian had a tough challenge to make the session relevant to everyone in the room. But he did. I know I came away pleased with the learning of the night and speaking with other, they all did as well.

Over the next few months we have some really good sessions planned, first up on the 20th September we have Lean Thinking and How to Apply It to Your Life, 18th October Why Being Good is Good for Business and then on the 15th November Public Speaking and Presentation Training. These three events see a change in venue from the Digital Media Centre to the University Campus Barnsley. If you wanting to book on any of them, just search for JCI Barnsley on and you see them listed there. Hope to see you one soon.

Ben Hawley, Business Director