Meet Immediate Past President- Vicky Savage

Meet Immediate Past President- Vicky Savage

Posted By admin |21 Jan 2012
Meet Immediate Past President- Vicky Savage

Meet JCI Barnsley's Immediate Past President, Vicky Savage:

What made you join JCI?

The Vice Principle of Barnsley College encouraged me to contact the then President Debbie Tills to arrange a meeting and find out all about JCI and the rest is history. 

Council team » Vicky Savage- Immediate Past PresidentPersonal development is a key area of JCI, what sort of development opportunities have you been involved with during your time as a member?

During my time I've had the privilege to attend a variety of training sessions across the UK. The thing about JCI is if you suggest or voice a particular interest to your Chamber you can arrange and organise that training.

What is your favourite area of JCI opportunity?

The best thing about JCI is meeting people who you would never normally meet in your day to day life as your paths would never cross. 

What is your favourite JCI memory?

I have far too many but a memorable trip to Edinburgh, for the JCI Edinburgh Burns Supper, with falling down tights springs to mind.