Life as a Vice President

Life as a Vice President

Posted By admin |06 Apr 2011
Life as a Vice President

As well as Immediate Past President of JCI UK, I’m also serving as International Vice President which provides opportunities to experience even more of the JCI world!  

The year kicked off with the JCI Board Meeting at the Headquarters in St Louis.  Seeing the many years of JCI history displayed throughout the building was very interesting and it was a particular honour to visit the gravesite of our founder Henry Giessembier.  Every year, the members of the JCI Board of Directors meet in January to establish strategies and plans to meet the organization’s goals for the upcoming year.

2011Board of Directors.jpg


Part of the VP role is to visit my assigned countries to provide support and promote the JCI Plan of Action.   My first visit took place with JCI Catalonia in March. During that time I met with members from 4 Local Chambers and the National Board.  A Parliamentary Procedures workshop took place in JCI Villafranca - most new members take part in the course within the first 6 months of membership!  


I also got to take part in JCI Manresa's 'English Evening' where members meet once a month and hold a debate in English only - as the European Conference is taking place in Tarragona members across Catalonia are keen to improve their english and they are all very much looking forward to welcoming you there!

I have a number of other visits planned in April and May and look forward to sharing more on those!