Yorkshire RGC Update February
Yorkshire RGC Update February

February is a short month but JCI chambers in Yorkshire have defiantly managed to fit a lot in. This month members across the Region have learnt about self defence, sales, extempore, first aid, time management, the stars as well as meeting socially and networking! Members have even headed down to Marketing Academy in Birmingham. Busy bees!
During February I have been visiting council meetings I have been to Bradford, Sheffield, Barnsley and Rotherham with Leeds planned for next week. I love attending all kinds of events but it is at council or chamber meetings where you exactly what a chamber is up to, what they have planned and get the insight into the type of chamber they really are. You can see what drives a chamber and the energy around the Region this year is really infectious. Sights seem to really be set high this year so I can't wait to see and attend some of the events that are coming up in the next few months.
As a Region we have also been anaysing the events that we put on to make sure they are meeting our members needs. We released a short survey out to members and I have to say I was really surprised by the response. We had twices as many members take part as I was excecting and their opinon will be vital in deciding what we do with our events. The survey is now closed and the Presidents and Deputies will have a chance to analyse the results before we discuss it as a Region later in the month. Watch this space for more details next month!
My 'feel proud' Yorkshire chamber of the month is JCI Rotherham for having two sell out events in February as well as members attending events held by JCI Sheffield and JCI Barnsley, as well as members from other chambers attending their events. We also mustn't forget a brand new member taking the chamber pot when he attened a training session in Barnsley.
Photo left - JCI Rotherham stargazing
My 'feel proud' Yorkshire member of the month is JCI Sheffield's Ryan Pilkington.This month I have seen Ryan at
events held by JCI Rotherham and JCI Barnsley. Ryan has also been working really hard in Sheffield producing their magazine and always includes activities from outside Sheffield in the publication to share with the members, it is defiantly worth a read.
Photo right - Ryan Pilkington at Insperation Day.
March looks set to be just as busy. Check out some of the events going on around the Region:
2nd to 20th - JCI Bradford Easter Egg Appeal
9th - JCI Sheffield - CV and Interview Techniques Training
9th - JCI Doncaster - Planning Session
13th to 16th - JCI Sheffield - Twinning Visit
14th - JCI Barnsley - Tree Planting
19th - JCI Rotherham - Business Tour of Magna
23rd - JCI Yorkshire - Big Supper - held in Bradford
24th - JCI Sheffield - Street Dance and Drama Workshop
26th - JCI Barnsley - LinkedIn and Twitter Training
27th - JCI Rotherham & JCI Sheffield - Safe@last Quiz
30th - JCI Leeds - Book Club
I know there are also dates being finalised in all chambers so make sure you keep an eye out on social media and local websites.
With our first Regional event of the year is big supper, which will be held in Bradford on 23rd March. I am so excited to see the region come together and I can't wait to see you all there. Check out the event on Facebook and watch out for more details being on how to book released very very soon!
All the chambers in the Region are working so hard at the minute to make sure they are keeping standards high, as usual I will be out and about during March so I really hope to see you all somewhere soon.
'Feel Proud Yorkshire'
Charlie Pearson
2015 Yokrshire RGC