There are 24 hours in a day - make the most of each one.

  • JCI UK / 2014 / There are 24 hours in a day - make the most of each one.

There are 24 hours in a day - make the most of each one.

Posted By admin |08 Mar 2014
There are 24 hours in a day - make the most of each one.

In a busy world full of phone calls and e-mail, it can be hard to separate work and personal life. Thanks to women like Clare Evans you no longer need to wonder how it's done.

Clare is a time management coach and the bestselling author of "Time Management for Dummies".

Now you can meet this incredible woman:

Clare Evans will be our guest presenter for JCI Portsmouth's training and personal development event on 20 March.

"If you improve your time management and organizational skills, you can grow your business, improve your career and create a better work life" she says.

Refreshments will be provided on the night as well as a chance to meet other like-minded individuals before the presentation begins.

Join us and learn how you can cut out the distractions and increase efficiency.