The Rainbow Centre needs urgent help
The Rainbow Centre needs urgent help

Community Crisis
The Rainbow Centre is in crisis!
The center is based in Fareham and to ensure that it can contine to do wonderful work, £150,000 is needed to keep the charity going in the aftermath of the recession.
“At The Rainbow Centre we inspire and support children with Cerebral Palsy and adults with a stroke, MS and Parkinson’s disease, adult Cerebral Palsy, Head Injury and their families. Through a system of learning called Conductive Education we encourage and teach our children/participants to take an active role in their own development.”
We at JCI Porsmouth are always touched by the work they do and how the participants develop through the learning and achievements they can only get through the help of The Rainbow Centre.
You can help now!
Call: 01329 289500
TEXT RBOW21 £2/£5/£10 to 70070
Direct BACS Payment:
HSBC Bank - Account No: 12154110 – Sort Code: 40-42-18