The end of an era...

The end of an era...

Posted By admin |07 Nov 2012
The end of an era...

In one week's time, I will perform my last official duty as a member of the JCI London council, as I give my President's Report about JCI London's year in 2011 at the AGM. After six years on the council during which time I have held five roles (Community Director, Membership Director, Deputy President, President and IPP) this will be somewhat the end of an era for me.

As a member of the JCI London council, I have:

  • Council team » Coucnil 2011.jpgDeveloped my project management, public speaking and leadership skills
  • Learned how to think around problems
  • Been presented with some unique opportunities such as speaking in the House of Lords and attending life-changing academies in Sweden and Austria
  • Worked with some amazing and inspiring people
  • Discovered a love of blogging
  • And met some of my best friends

As an experienced member, I now take most pleasure from JCI in seeing new members join the organisation, discover its limitless opportunities and develop themselves through active involvement in chamber activities. The new members I have seen join JCI London in the past few years have been outstanding and as I step down from the council, I know the chamber is in the safe hands of ambitious, talented and creative young active citizens who will take JCI London to a whole new level.

Council team » Council.jpgAnd of course, just because I will no longer be on the council, doesn't mean I won't still be an active member - I look forward to attending events and joining project teams. The beauty of JCI is that there are always opportunities to get involved. 

I can whole-heartedly recommend a role on the JCI London council to every member wishing to get the most out of their membership. Anyone wanting to find out more or come to the AGM, can find details here.