Stephen Wells - Coaching

Stephen Wells - Coaching

Posted By admin |03 Jul 2014
Stephen Wells - Coaching


Profile Pics » SteveWells_AIMLogo.jpgSince finding JCI in 2009 Steve become a changed man.

Jumping straight in and going to the 2009 World congress in Tunisia only a few months after joining he found something that had been missing, a true passion. Being around a group of people that had energy by the bucket and determination to succeed Steve revitalised that he too the spark.


With a passion for people as his focus he set up AIM to Succeed Success Coaching. Working with Businesses and Individual helping them to identify their true passion and dream goals then helping them use the resources they already have to start their journey towards them, safe in the knowledge that they can achieve them.


When he took over as JCI Reading President in Dec 2010 he finished his speech with the following statement (an adaptation of Budha's 1000's candles)


I NOW walk through life with a fire burning bright inside me,

if I drop sparks on you let them burn,

for someday you will drop sparks of your own

and light a fire in someone’s life. – Stephen Wells 2010


If you would like to meet Steve and have him help you find your true calling, then come along to JCI Reading on Thursday 14th July where his is running his Say hello to the real you workshop. This is your opportunity to find out what defines you and why you make the choices you make.

> Update July 2014
Steve is also now running a series of workshops and masterclasses which are being offered to JCI at discounted rates.
All along the theme of 'Expanding your hobby, interest or business idea' 
Where do you want to take it? 5th June 2014    
Visualising your Dream Masterclass - 17th July 2014
Price Perception - 28th August 2014
More to come....