Should we stay or should we go - will you #useyourvote
Should we stay or should we go - will you #useyourvote

It is now less than a month until the UK will vote on whether or not to stay a member of the EU in the 23 June referendum. Will you #useyourvote?
It is a complicated subject with passionate proponents putting forward multiple arguments on both sides. Many people are still undecided both on the way they will vote and perhaps even if they will vote at all. JCI UK is encouraging all members to listen to both the Leave and Remain campaigns and get the facts about what a vote either way would mean for the future of our country. Getting the facts will allow voters to make an informed decision and then use their vote wisely.
Please do engage in discussions with friends and family, make sure they know the date, how to register to vote and how important it is to do so. You can download and use our Facebook banner here and join in with the #useyourvote hashtag on social media.
To help members understand the arguments and issues, JCI Sheffield recenlty hosted a debate. Anne Homer shares her experience of the event as follows:
As a recent member of JCI Sheffield who is eager to learn and grow, I have made it my resolve - within reason - to jump feet first into any opportunity which comes my way.
...And with this said... this is why, when Gareth Carson asked me to take part in the EU Referendum debate, I was instantly persuaded to get involved and be chucked in at the deep end - even though I had had no experience of debating what so ever, had never been to a debate.
Putting forward an argument for leaving the EU (an argument which I didn't necessarily believe in) and preparing a script which I had been told should last for just a couple of minutes originally (but which I later found out was to be for 6 minutes) I knew would not be easy and I am ashamed to admit I knew only the basics about the subject at the time. Thrown in at the deep end? Yes. Did I learn and grow? Certainly.
On the 23rd June each of us will have the chance to vote on whether the UK should remain in the EU or not. This is a huge undertaking because the EU debate decision could determine or change the fortunes of the UK forever.
Before the JCI EU debate I had a chance to research some of the EU arguments which I could then, in turn, share with the rest of my group: Mark Smith, the team captain, and Ryan Pilkington, speaker 2. Mark was incredible, sharing his time to teach me techniques and show me the rules of debating, taking what Ryan and I were talking about to come up with a dynamite introduction and conclusion to the whole argument.
On the night the opposing team for staying in the EU were Charlotte Scothern, Bev Mackfall, and Lynsey McAteer who didn't half put forward some amazing points.
The Remain Team Anne Putting Forward Her Arguments
I had so much to talk about after all the preparation and research that the timing was difficult to stick to... What I wanted to say would have taken so much longer. As someone who is new to debates and speaking in public I found the feedback given from the judges invaluable, leaving me with the desire to embark and improve my skill of presenting. The experience, whilst a challenge, was very positive
The event really opened our minds and made people think - which is what JCI is all about. The EU debate, along with every other JCI event I have attended so far, is shaping me as a person, making me face my fears and overall making me become more outgoing and confident. All of these experiences are invaluable and I am loving every minute of being part of a chamber which is so encouraging about everything and pushing me to try new things.