Recap on our Reduce Single Use Campaign

Recap on our Reduce Single Use Campaign

Posted By admin |06 Oct 2019
Recap on our Reduce Single Use Campaign
I hope that everyone paid attention to our posts on reducing single use plastic in your daily lives. If you didn’t catch this new campaign, check out the blog post “Plastic for Tea”. Where I explained why it is so important that we reduce single use plastic to stop the decline of our marine environment.  Thank you… Firstly I want to thank everyone that got involved in the campaign, as it would not have been the success without you the supporters! I personally feel this could be the start of something that could grow within JCIUK and beyond, so in a way you are the leaders of this campaign too as you have played a part in its success.  Campaign Recap To kick off the campaign we held a beach clean in our local community, which was a great success as we collected three large sacks of rubbish from the beach and actively engaged with the public. The community were very curious about what we were doing and why. We explained what we were doing to a number of people along the coastline. It was fantastic that people were inspired by our actions and actually joined in to help clean the beach. I’m pleased to say the week long campaign was well received and supported in our local chamber as well as nationally from JCI Doncaster, JCI Leeds and JCI Portsmouth. It was great to see members sharing their single use wins across the week, showing the appetite that JCI members have for being more ethical and environmentally conscious.  My experience of the campaign I personally grew through the experience. Now looking past just the price tag of the products I buy, but to also consider the ethical and environmental impact too. This actually has enabled me to express my political concerns through my purchases. Which I think this has made me more of an active citizen. I would call on people reading this to consider their purchases in the future and ask, what do your purchases say about you? This campaign has also highlighted our failings, as citizens of the world to undertake action and demand change. As I write this people are rising up around the world to protest about climate change, but we are still polluting our seas and waterways with plastics, our society turns its back on what is happening inside our own communities.  Furthermore I call on you reading this to carry on the journey was have started, to think differently and be leaders in changing your consumer choices to impact positive change. We as JCI members set out to be world changers, so the change starts with us. The change starts at home in our local communities; where we need to stand up and be seen as ambassadors for change.