National Conference 2015
National Conference 2015

National Conference 2015
JCI UK National Conference 2015 set to blow your togas off.
Friends, Jaycees, Countrymen lend me your ears, for I want to tell you of JCI UK National Conference 2015.
OK, OK, yes it might be a bit melodramatic to be quoting Mark Antony in the introduction of an article about JCI UK National Conference 2015, but as it has the theme ‘Modern Centurions’ and on over all Roman flavour, it seemed a nice way to open.
So first off, why ‘Modern Centurions’? For those of you that don’t know, a Roman Centurion was a com- mander of 100 men in the army. As 2015 is the 100th anniversary of the JCI movement on a global level, and as members of JCI we are the leaders of tomorrow, then the theme seemed to fit very nicely.
We’re using this idea of modern leaders throughout the conference, with training sessions and workshops designed to help you develop your skills as a leader, whether it be in JCI, Business or in life as a whole.
The conference runs from Friday 20th until Sunday 22nd November and will be held at Holiday Inn, Barns- ley, just 3 minutes off J37 of the M1.
The Friday is focused on Business and Career, with a full day, coving topics including Company values, How to Overcome Adversity, and Business Intelligence to name a few. We’re aiming to attract not just JCI members to the Friday, but the wider Barnsley and South Yorkshire business community. We’ll be running a 20 stand expo, have networking sessions, and panel discussion about issues that organisations face not just in the local region, but across the country as a whole, and how they can be addressed.
Friday will also showcase the JCI UK TOYP winners, with a lunch in their honour and showcasing the amazing work each one does in their own field and the afternoon will be rounded off with the JCI UK Public Speaking Competition.
A JCI Conference wouldn’t be the same if there wasn’t a great party on the Friday night, and it’s not going to be any different this year! Continuing the Roman flavour, the Friday night will be a Togo party! You don’t have to come in a toga if you don’t want to, but when all you have to do is wear a sheet, it’s going to be cheap, easy and great fun. Also, for those of you that don’t know how to tie a toga, we’ll going to create a video to show you all, so there’s no excuse there either! As with all UK conferences the Friday night will include the extempore (off the cuff) public speaking competition, followed by some great entertainment, more on that to follow soon.
Saturday will focus on you and developing your skills, as well as National Council (where your President and Deputy President will represent your chamber) and the JCI UK debating competition. We’ve tried to put on training sessions that are varied and different and so far have sessions planned around how to
tame your chimp (that little voice in your head that puts you off doing things) and in a nod to the origins of JCI, a dancing train- ing session.
Saturday evening will be the JCI UK Awards and Gala Dinner. This will be held at the main conference hotel, so no need to worry about transport, everything is in one place. Make sure you come along to support your local chamber in the awards they have entered and cheer them on. The Gala Dinner is always a great night, and it will be even more memorable in this special year for JCI.
We have also arranged an official JCI Training course to be delivered by JCI Sheffield President Mark Smith on the Sunday morning, but which one it is, is up to you, the members. Closer to the time, we’ll be asking all those registered for the weekend to choose which course we run.
And don’t worry, we’re not forgotten about the senators. We’re got a great programme of events planned for yourselves on the Saturday and a wonderful senate breakfast on the Sunday Morning.
Hopefully after reading that, you’re as excited to come along as we are to host the event. If you already have your place booked, brilliant! If not, you can register now by going to If you have any questions about the conference at all, feel free to send me an e-mail to or give me a call on 07717 682413. Ben Hawley, 2015 National Conference Director
Hope to see you here in November!