Membership Impact Week Day 7 - Meet Joe from JCI London
Membership Impact Week Day 7 - Meet Joe from JCI London

It's the last day of membership impact week and we are getting to know Joe Dilger, a senator from JCI London
Please could you explain what a senator is :
A senator is a person who in their eyes of "their peers" in JCI is deemed to have given "outstanding service" to the JCI organisation, and is awarded a senatorship (life membership) of JCI ( in recognition of this.
How did you achieve your senatorship ?
• I joined JCI London in 1997, and served as its Secretary in 1998, and then was elected as JCI London President for 1999, which was a tremendous honour, and a great opportunity, and really "opened my eyes to the world of opportunities" within JCI around the world. For JCI London's ‘Annual Luncheon' that year, I managed to secure the (then) United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom to attend and speak at it.
• I then stood for and was elected to serve JCI United Kingdom (JCIUK) as National Business Director in 2000 - during which year I secured JCIUK a feature article in the Times, which led to increased profile and many membership inquiries.
• I received me senatorship in 2001 whilst serving as Deputy National President of JCIUK.
What has been your highlight in JCI since receiving your senatorship ?
Several highlights: 1. Serving as JCI United Kingdom National President in 2002 ; 2. Serving as the first ever JCI Executive Vice President (EVP) from JCIUK in 2004, where I was fortunate to be assigned to lead JCI's Africa and Middle East region, and chair the JCI Area Conference that year in Dakar, Senegal ; and 3. All my JCI experiences giving me the confidence, networks and skills to start my own business called JD Global Advantage Limited in February 2012 - where essentially I provide Educational Governance Consultancy (through trainings, advice and support) to Academies (publicly funded independent schools) and other schools.
What advice would you give to new members of JCI ?
Two things: 1. As my fellow JCI Senator and great friend Tony "My International" Blenman advises: "think global, act local" - look to see what you can do in your own local town or city to ‘make a positive difference' - whether that be with your local JCI chapter (e.g. an environmental ‘clean up project' such as cleaning a beach of rubbish) ; or outside JCI such as serving as a school governor of a local school etc. In doing so, you will make your local community a better place, develop new skills, and make new friends and contacts etc. ; and 2. Wherever in the world your local JCI chapter is, as soon as you possibly can (preferably weeks and months after joining, not years) go to JCI events at regional, national and international level - as you will learn alot more, experience alot more, and make some great friends and contacts - as is said "the world's your lobster (oyster)" - ha !
Tell us something interesting about JCI that new members might not know:
JCI, having being founded and started as an organisation in St Louis, United States in 1915, celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2015 !
Joe Dilger, JCI Senator 62404.
Tel: +44 774 709 6017 - mobile.
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