Membership Impact Week 2013 Day 3 - Meet Matt from JCI London
Membership Impact Week 2013 Day 3 - Meet Matt from JCI London

It's Day 3 of Membership Impact Week and we're talking to Matt Beavan from JCI London who has been a member for a year.
How have you enjoyed your first year of membership?
The first year of my membership has been a lot more involved than I thought it would be. I initially joined JCI in order to attend some training events in the evening, I have since become involved in a project team as part of TEDX and moved on to becoming training director. As a result I have made friends and become involved in some very interesting projects. JCI is quite addictive.
What has been your highlight so far?
The highlight for me was working with AIESEC as part of the London Youth Conference at the start of the year. This was a two day conference that was put on to show young people how to 'redefine success' with talks, mentoring and group activities. It was great to have two different organizations work together to create a conference that benefited young people. It was a really good start to the year.
Is there anything you have done as a JCI member that you never would have thought possible before you joined?
Sit on council. This was a long way from my mind when I first joined!
What are you hoping to do in your second year of membership?
Something different - The beauty of JCI is that there is always something different to do. i think that knowledge of what JCI is about and what it has done is something that you become aware of after having spent a while in the organization. Knowing more about this should hopefully mean that my second year of membership will be less effort but more results.
What advice would you give to those considering joining JCI?
JCI is what you want to make of it, becoming active does require effort and at some points does feel like hard work, but as a result of this you can create positive social change through empowering yourself. Talk to as many people as possible in the organisation almost everyone has something to say that you haven't considered before.