Member of the Month - Hélo?se Mignot (JCI London)

  • JCI UK / 2016 / Member of the Month - Hélo?se Mignot (JCI London)

Member of the Month - Hélo?se Mignot (JCI London)

Posted By admin |09 May 2016
Member of the Month - Hélo?se Mignot (JCI London)

Our member of the month for April is Héloïse Mignot from JCI London.  Héloïse is the JCI London Social Director for 2016 and is also leadingBlog » meet the members » Heloise Mignot.jpg on a major project for the chamber.  

Her roles this year have allowed her to develop her event management, negotiation and social media skills.  By taking the lead on the London Refugees project: ‘JCI London to Calais’, she has recruited team members, initiated partnerships with JCI France Chapters, initiated collaboration with JCI Syria and chaired meetings. 

JCI London President Rafael commented:

"Héloïse's contribution to the 2016 board has been extraordinary. Her energy, passion and work ethic have produced 2 headline social events per month including international dinners, celebrating the diversity of the London chamber and continuity of our Thirsty Thursday's with some exciting new developments. 

Héloïse has also initiated the exciting new community project London2Calais, aimed to help refugees in Calais and potentially elsewhere (i.e. Syria). She has managed to generate a lot of positive energy and interest around that project and there is good chance, JCI London together with Chapters from JCI France will deliver concrete positive action that will address this current challenge."

Congratulations to Héloïse for her hard work and fantastic personal development.  She receives £50 off the price of a national convention ticket.  

Blog » meet the members » Heloise - French dinner.jpg

A French-themed dinner organised by Héloïse