Member bursaries available for JCI UK Leadership Academy 2016

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Member bursaries available for JCI UK Leadership Academy 2016

Posted By admin |24 May 2016
Member bursaries available for JCI UK Leadership Academy 2016

NTT » Leap 2016 Banner.png

JCI UK have four bursaries available, each being £75, to grant to members to cover part of the cost of attending our award winning National Leadership Academy, LEAP (Leadership Excellence in Action Program) in August 2016.  This is a highly thought after national academy that has trained over 100 JCI UK members since it was first launched back in 2012.  Don't just take our word for it - check out what previous delegates have said here.

Please find below the terms and conditions of applying for a bursary, and what you need to consider before applying.

The bursary application form is a GoogleDoc, and can be found by clicking this here. If for any reason you are unable to open the link, please contact Mark Smith 2016 National Finance Director who will arrange to send you the application form in a different format for you to complete and return.

To book your place on LEAP, click here.

Terms and Conditions

1. Before the bursary is applied for, the member must first book a place on the LEAP academy through the Eventbrite event. The member must also be a fully paid up member of JCI UK.

2. The bursary is for the value of £75. The balance of the ticket price of £60 (for a limited edition ticket) must be paid for by the member, once they have been notified their bursary application has been successful.

3. The application must be received by 28th June 2016 to be considered by the LEAP team. 

4. Applications submitted will be sent to Mark Smith (2016 National Finance Director for JCI UK), who will remove any reference to a member's name/chamber/role, and will then send the body of the application to the LEAP committee for consideration. This is to ensure the applications are considered without any bias or prejudice against the candidate and is to make the process transparent and fair.

5. Successful bursary applicants will be notified by email, and will then be required to pay the balance of the ticket price to JCI UK to complete their booking.

6. Unsuccessful bursary applicants will also be notified by email, and will be required to pay the full ticket price to JCI UK in order to complete their booking.

7. After the academy, the bursary recipients may be required to promote their LEAP experience via the following means:

    a. A blog/newsletter article for their local chamber website and/or JCI UK website

    b. Presentation to their local chamber members or council team

    c. Other means as agreed with the LEAP Conference Organising Committee (COC team)


We look forward to seeing you at this years LEAP!

Best wishes,

Gareth Carson

2016 LEAP COC Director