Meet the Member - Chrissie Lewis (JCI Sheffield)
Meet the Member - Chrissie Lewis (JCI Sheffield)

Today we meet Chrissie Lewis who has bravely joined the JCI Sheffield council team in her first year.
Which chamber are you a member of?
How long have you been a JCI member?
6 months
What made you join?
I heard about JCI through my work place, but I decided to join because everyone was so friendly and welcoming.
What is the most interesting JCI event you've been to and why?
The JCI committee training in Manchester was interesting as we got to meet others in our roles in the region, we also got to understand a bit more about how our varying personalities work together.
Had JCI presented any unusual/interesting opportunities?
Most definitely, just the networking Wednesday's events alone are always interesting as all sorts of people, from every type of business background come along and there is always someone new to chat too!
What is your job/career/profession/business?
Student Voice Coordinator at Derby University. (Previously PR Account Exec)
Has JCI had any impact on your job/career/profession/business?
It has made me far more confident in approaching new people.
Who is a leader you admire?
Not as such a leader, but Betty Friedan who is acknowledged as a writer who set off the second wave of feminism, by writing the influential book 'The Feminine Mystique'. She shaped the way that societies views are changing around women in the work place/ home and the way women are seen in the media.
What's your proudest achievement?
Achieving my personal best in the Great North Run last year.
If we came to your home and looked inside your refrigerator, what would we see?
Lots of veg, Onken yoghurt and smoothies!!
What is a good weekend to you?
A long run somewhere beautiful!
Tell us something crazy/dangerous/inspiring/unusual you have done
Zip trekked across Mont Tremblant in Canada.
Thanks Chrissie