Meet Carrie Green, JCI UK's International Director 2011
Meet Carrie Green, JCI UK's International Director 2011

You are the International Director for JCI UK next year, congratulations on your new role.
What does this role involve?
In my role as International Director for JCI UK, I’m aiming to help all members become more aware of all the wonderful international opportunities that are available within JCI and to help them gain the most out of the events attended. This includes amongst many things the coordination of delegate bookings for the European Conference in Tarragona in June and the World Congress in Brussels in November. Watch this space for more information coming very soon!
What was the best part of your trip in November to the World Congress in Japan?
Promoting JCI UK at the Global Village event was the best bit. The Global Village event at the 2010 World Congress in Osaka was awesome. GV gives many countries the opportunity to promote their country, which in turn helps attract international delegates to events they may be running.
We served Pimm’s as our beverage of choice (the search for strawberries and enough lemonade was interesting). Every one of the delegates and many UK senators lent a hand and boy did the UK delegation get seen.
Have you met any interesting people? If yes, how have they made an impression on you?
I’ve meet many wonderful people and the number one thing I’ve noticed is that whatever background or country they come from JCI members all have a similar outlooks on life and they all have a huge desire to create positive change.
Have you got a deeper understanding of how JCI works? It is a big global organisation and it can take a while to get your head around it!
I was very luck to be able to help Christian Hellmund the 2010 JCI UK International Director whilst at the world Congress in Osaka so I’m going into going into 2011 very prepared. But I’ve learnt loads about the organisation in a very small amount of time. Being fully involved in all the many events going on at World Congress definitely helped and I’m also one to ask questions if I’m not sure what’s going on.
Can you give us an example of stuff you do during a "normal" day at a JCI World Congress?
My day will start with a breakfast meeting with the JCI UK leadership team and the leadership team of one of the countries the UK has a special agreement with. Then it’s off to the Morning Show which was presented by Patrick Knight a JCI member and Senator from Florida and recently appointed Training Director for the Americas, this is a great opportunity to get going and motivated for a full and busy day. Then depending on the day I usually spend some time in General Assembly (GA) which is very much like our council meetings (but a bit more formal) with all the National Presidents, of which there are now 110 timing can get tight..
After lunch I try and catch a training session or if we have delegates in the Public Speaking or Debating competitions I attend with all the other UK delegates to show our support. Before dinner I send out a text message to all delegates reminding them of all the important events happening the following day. To finish the day off I attend the evening event which could be the Awards ceremony or a party. So as you can see it’s work hard, play hard and sleeping is for after the congress…
In a broad context, why do you think it is important that JCI exists?
Life isn’t just about the daily grind, there’s more to life and those who realise this aim to do something more with their lives and that’s why JCI exists, it’s important to give people the opportunity to make a difference however big or small that difference is.
Is there anything that JCI can do for you? Help? Connections?
JCI can continue to connect me with wonderful people who want to create positive change.