Making an impact in membership week
Making an impact in membership week
As well as a packed week of our usual great activities, including a community team meeting, project meeting about starting new chamber JCI Ignite London (very appropriate for membership week!) and a talk by a speaker from the Bank of England, JCI London hosted a successful open evening during JCI Membership week (19 to 25 September).
Many potential members turned up to hear what JCI London was all about and the exciting and varied opportunities to get involved. The following JCI London members shared their stories:
JCI London membership director, Lydia Bartaud-Nel, introduces the evening with a story about her involvement with the European Award winning Entrepreneurial Academy project.
Past JCI London council director, Immediate Past President of JCI UK and current International Vice President, Lesley Young, tells of journey of not believing she was good enough to even join 15 years ago in Belfast to having one of the highest roles in JCI, allowing her to travel all over the world as a mentor to her assigned countries.
Senator and International Training Fellow Sue Miller speaks about the trials and tribulations of being first lady of JCI UK (she is married to 1996 National President Barry Miller) and reaching the highest rung on the JCI training ladder, enabling her to train fellow members all over the world.
Mehnaz Siddiqui, who has been a member for only around 6 months, tells of her achievements in the community team (including heling to raise over £400 by running the Race for Life), discovering what JCI is all about for her and her plans to run for a council position next year!
I present my own JCI story, which includes inspirational speakers I've seen, skills I've gained, places I've travelled all over the world, some very unusual experiences, plus lots of friendships and fun!
Deputy President, Simon Bucknall then rounded off the evening by outlining a few snippets of his plans for JCI London in 2012 and inviting the audience to consider what they hoped to achieve next year (whether as part of JCI or not).
We then all headed off for a few drinks at the local pub and were very pleased that most attendees came along (perhaps because the first round was on me!). We're looking forward to lots of enthusiastic new members signing up soon!