Leadership and Self-Mastery WRITE UP

Leadership and Self-Mastery WRITE UP

Posted By admin |06 Mar 2017
Leadership and Self-Mastery WRITE UP

Last week, we kicked off our business programme with the phenomenal Dr Demartini lecture, giving all an insight into both themselves and what to expect from your business team this year. It was an insightful evenign which wasa one of our best attended events to date. What follows is the traditional write up of the event for anyone who wants to see what we got up to.

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Central to the whole session is this: the human values are the foundation of achievement. Everyone lives according to some priorities and has a different set of values. We all have a different vantage point and perspective which give us these different values. These values help us filter our reality and determine what we perceive and how we act. When we don't know what to do, we act according to other people's values and we put these ahead of our own. When we do this, our own internal motivation stalls and we subordinate our values to those of other people. We don't actually need motivation to act: it's a symptom of being uninspired. 

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This is where we get to the crux of Demartini's talk. We need to dig deep inside ourselves and work out what makes us tick, what our true values are. When you see the real you, you'll realise that you're already full. You aren't missing anything. You need to recognise and honour your inner magnificence and fullness. You're a leader when you spontaneously live by your highest values. This is where you innovate and create; this is where you excel! Your core competancey is that which alines with these highest values. Your purpose is your expression of these values. What do you do which makes you want to get up in a morning without any outside forces?

So, here's the practical bit. Take a little bit of time each day and write down your 6 highest priority tasks that you can do within the next 24 hours. When you do them, it'll empower you more than a day full of low priority tasks. So make some small changes today and start making steps towards your highest goal.

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