JCI UK TOYP Awards 2016
JCI UK TOYP Awards 2016
Posted By admin |14 Dec 2016
A post from Hannah Woodcock, 2016 TOYP Manager
This year, I had the privilege of coordinating the national JCI ‘Ten Outstanding Young Persons’ programme – also known as ‘TOYP.’ As the name suggests, the programme recognises the achievements of individuals who have excelled in their chosen fields, made a positive impact on their communities, and are an inspiration to others. Essentially, young active citizens who have lived up to JCI UK’s 2016 theme, and ‘chosen extraordinary.’
On Friday 25 th November, JCI UK celebrated the accomplishments of the 2016 TOYP honourees – including an 18-year- old entrepreneur, a Senior Researcher of dementia, and a 6-time Paralympic gold medal winner. We listened as the honourees humbly recounted their achievements, and explained how they overcome potentially life-changing challenges. Read more about the 2016 honourees here.
I’d highly recommend getting involved with the 2017 TOYP programme. As well as gaining experience in running a national project, the role of JCI UK TOYP Manager enables you to work closely with local chambers, as well as the amazing candidates.
Please contact James Lambert for more information regarding this position.