JCI UK Needs You!

JCI UK Needs You!

Posted By admin |24 Jul 2019
JCI UK Needs You!

With the summer holidays just beginning, it seems a bit early to be thinking about 2020, but for JCI UK we're already planning for the next year of our organisation. As 2019's Deputy National President, I'm very excited to announce that nominations for next year's board are now open, with our Annual General Meeting scheduled for 14 September in Winchester. The theme for 2020 will be #ThePowerOfUs, with the view that by working together we can achieve a lot more than as individuals. The structure for 2020 will be slightly different to recent years to provide the opportunity for members who are unable to commit to a National Board role to be able to take on a role which will help grow the organisation. The main role of the National Board is to deliver the Plan of Action for the year. 2020 is an exciting time to be part of the National Team as it will be the first year of a new 5 year strategic plan.

Elected Roles

  • Deputy National President
  • Admin Director
  • Finance Director
  • Board Director (4 positions available)
The roles above will be elected at the AGM in September. If you are interested in any of these roles please send a completed intention to stand document to the 2019 JCI UK Admin Director Vicky Biggs at vicky.biggs@jciuk.org.uk and me, James Lambert, at james.lambert@jciuk.org.uk before the deadline of 8 pm on Friday 16 August 2019. You can find further information about the roles and responsibilities for each role in this handly booklet.

Other Roles

Perhaps you don’t have time to commit to a National Board role but are still keen to get involved in helping to grow JCI UK?  Have you got an idea for a national project that you would like to lead for JCI UK (with the support of the National Board team)? Or is there an existing project/event that you would like to be involved in? Some possible ideas are:
  • Organising one of our training academies
  • Running our Pound A Day campaign
  • Running a Peace is Possible Conference
  • Leading the UK delegation at European Conference (in Dublin) or World Congress (in Japan)
  • Building and stocking a shop on the JCI UK website with JCI branded goods
  • Organising a conference raising awareness of Sustainable Development Goals
  • Editing the monthly national newsletter
  • Being JCI UK’s Membership Officer
  • Developing the functionality of the JCI UK website
  • Being one of JCI UK’s Marketing Officers (potentially focusing on design, social media or blogging)
  • Ten Outstanding Your Persons (TOYP) Awards co-ordinator
These roles will be appointed by the 2020 National Board team rather than elected at the AGM but it would be really helpful to know if you are interested as soon as possible. If you don’t have time to take a lead on one of these projects but would be interested in helping out please let me know that too as I am sure all of these opportunities can help your personal development in some way.

What Next?  

I would love to hear from you about how you would like to be involved in 2020. I truly believe that through #ThePowerOfUs we can achieve great things as an organisation, learn about ourselves and most importantly have fun! Please get in touch by email at james.lambert@jciuk.org.uk.   Remember that if you want to stand for an elected role you must get your completed intention to stand document submitted by 8 pm on Friday 16 August 2019