It's parade time tomorrow!!
It's parade time tomorrow!!

Well weeks of planning and it finally here!!!!
Tomorrow we will head down into Barnsley town centre and dress up as zombies for the mayors parade! We have two objectives tomorrow, the main one is to raise awareness for JCI and JCI Barnsley as well awareness for The Barnsley Hospital Charity. The second is to remind us all that we have been a strong part of the Barnsley community for 61 years.
The junior chamber as it was then started the mayors parade back in 1973 but hasn't been part of it for around 10 years. This is a big publicity chance for JCI Barnsley probably one of the biggest in recent years and we need to give it our all!
We have everything ready after picking up our updated postcards and banners today, completely updating our website and an overall of our social media. It's all systems go!
Here's a brief outline of our plans for tomorrow and we need your held in social media support, so any time you can pop on and like, tweet or comment.
Registration - 8am
Team arrival - 9am
Zombiefing - 9 to 10am
Judging - 10am
Parade - 12noon
We hope to see as many of you there as possible to support us and really hope even more of you join in on our Facebook page (JCI Barnsley) and twitter feed (@jci_barnsley and #jcizombies)
A quick note to anyone taking part it is going to be really hot so please please look after yourselves and be prepared!
I look forward to seeing or heading from you all tomorrow!
It's going to be a brilliant day!!!
Charlie Pearson
JCI Barnsley 2013 President