Inspiration Day - my first National event!
Inspiration Day - my first National event!
Saturday 31st January saw members from across the UK meet up in Manchester for the year's first National event, Inspiration Day. I have been a member for two years and this was my first ever national event, and I'm really glad I went!
The day offered numerous opportunities to catch up with old friends and meet new ones, as well as find out what other chambers were up to.
National President Drew Charman opened proceedings by presenting a video reflecting on achievements from last year, and asking what we will do in 2015 to 'feel proud'. Tracy, Ben and I all felt a great sense of pride seeing so many Barnsley members on the video. As a chamber, we really did Play Our Part last year, and will definitely have opportunities to Feel Proud this year! Next on the agenda was the welcome from the National Board. This included the presentation of certificates for Pathways, ACE hours, £1 a day, and 100% efficiency. We came home with certificates from each presentation!
We also had the opportunity of hearing two Manchester-based speakers, Joy Kingsley and Vikas Shah. Joy is a JCI Manchester senator, and senior partner at JMW, a high profile law firm. Her speech showed that you can have great success in JCI, as well as your career, and that opportunities in one can influence the other. Vikas was a truly inspirational speaker. He spoke of his entrepreneurial spirit, starting a company aged 14, employing staff age 16, having numerous business failures, and having a chat with Richard Branson (from Necker Island!) and Disney Pixar co-founder Ed Catmull, to name just a few achievements. He was living proof that things happen for a reason and that some things it is a case of right place right time.
The day ended with a group 'swot' analysis of JCI UK 2015; what are its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges (in place of the usual 'threat'). This gave us time to reflect on the organisation at a local, regional and national level. It is often easy to look at what we are doing well at, but not always to find the challenges and weaknesses. It was interesting to note that many of our own strengths and opportunities, can be another chamber's challenge or weakness.
I came away from the day with lots of food for thought and many reasons to Feel Proud in 2015!
Jo Mackfall
JCI Barnsley Deputy President
Ace Hours 2014
Pound a day challenge 2015
Pathways 2014
JCI Yorkshire 2015