Great South Run
Great South Run

On Sunday, two of JCI's keenest runners took part in The Great South Run. The 10-mile course around Portsmouth is reptedly the worlds flattest 10-miler and one of the world's fastest too.
It was a freezing morning with a chill wind blowing off the Solent as 25,000 runners from 45 nations took part in the race, now in its 20th year.
JCI Portsmouth's team was running to raise money for our local charity, the Fareham-based Rainbow Centre. Donations are still pouring in and we'll update you on the grand total when the figures are in.
It's not too late to play your part too and to help the guys take their minds off aching limbs - you can sponsor Graham and Ian here.
Graham managed to knock 58 secs off his best time and achieved a new Personal Best of 1:28:30. Ian beat his original Great South time by 30 seconds and even managed a quick smile after the notorius and gruelling last 2 miles along the seafront. Both are very happy runners today and looking forward to their next challenges.