First Public Speaking Academy a Huge Success

First Public Speaking Academy a Huge Success

Posted By admin |20 May 2014
First Public Speaking Academy a Huge Success

A JCI academy always promises a unique learning environment, plenty of practical participation and the chance to make new friends.  The inagural JCI UK Public Speaking Academy held over the weekend of 10-11 May at BPP in Birmingham delivered all that and more.  Here are some testimonials from our talented and enthusiastic delegates:

Personal Development » PSA Kay graduating.jpgKay Purser, JCI Birmingham:

"Public speaking is something I have always feared and never thought I could do and enjoy, but this weekend has opened my eyes, made me realise it's actually  not that scary and this is only the start of a journey".

Jan Bryde, JCI Denmark:Personal Development » PSA Jan Speech (640x383).jpg

"JCI UK Public Speaking Academy is a terrific opportunity for the inexperienced or nervous speaker as well as the natural alike and I feel quite lucky to be able to participate as a non-UK resident.

The team had put together a fantastic blend of theory and practice, drawing on an array of highly experienced speakers and trainers. From theory of rhetoric, past exercises on stage presence to the basics of breathing for speaking, there were insights and exercises certain to lift every single participant to new levels - taking a huge leap compared to other courses out there (including JCI Presenter) and at a fraction of the price.

A lot of praise should go to the trainers for facilitating participation and focusing on the fact that everyone could learn by sharing and helping each other, which was essential in preparing our personal speech over the course of the weekend. The relatively little group was an outstanding opportunity for inexperienced speakers to get great tips from high level speakers who in turn received honest feedback on whether the practiced steps work as intended.

The Public Speaking Academy certainly inspired me to change a fair few things about my personal style of speaking and so I strongly recommend joining to everyone who wants to be a better speaker at any level.

Great learning - Great networking - Great value!"

Personal Development » PSA Solvieg training (640x383).jpg  Personal Development » PSA Voice Coaching (640x383).jpg   Personal Development » PSA Coaching each other (640x383).jpg

The academy included a variety of activities, including training, voice exercises and working together on speeches

Personal Development » PSA Paul speech (383x640).jpgPaul Widger, JCI Manchester:

"I thought I was fairly good at public speaking but this academy has opened a new chapter for me. It is at once friendly and supportive but also professional, practical and packed with content for nervous beginners to competent speakers. I can't wait to carry on putting it into action."

You can also read Ashleigh Gray from JCI Sheffield's blog here: 

Personal Development » PSA Graduates (640x383).jpg