Finance Director and National Admin Director for JCI UK
Finance Director and National Admin Director for JCI UK

I joined JCI Barnsley in 2005 and have been an active member of the chamber ever since. I joined JCI after finishing my MSc and found I needed business skills quickly! It was also an unexpected and fantastic way to meet people in a new town and found I had an instant social life! That was in 2005 and I have been an active member ever since. I still can't believe the number of opportunities that have been on offer in that time.
This is my second year as National Admin Director, not the most exciting title but it's a very exciting role... honestly! At the start of the year I get to find out who will be taking on local roles and make sure everyone is kept up to date with changes and can keep in touch with each other. I also order things like business cards, chains of office, pins and name badges. Throughout the year I communicate with presidents and members, answer queries and ensure everyone is informed about National Council meetings etc.
My favourite part of the role is as Awards Manager, I love collating the entries, organising the judging and being a part of a process that recognises the great things that our chambers achieve each year.
Since I joined JCI Barnsley I have been to European Conferences in Finland and Hungary, attended the European Academy in Sweden, the TOYP Academy in Turkey and the European Presidents meeting in Latvia. International JCI events are an amazing way to see the World and immerse you in different cultures.
In the small amount of free time that is not filled with JCI I enjoy getting fresh air in the Peak District, entertaining friends (and being entertained!) and switching off with a good book!
Quick fire Questions
What is your favourite TV show? Greys Anatomy & repeats of the Crystal Maze (for the 80's hair!), Sons of Anarchy.
What do you usually have for breakfast? Fruit or a cinnamon bagel
What food do you dislike? I like cheese but it dislikes me
What is your favourite CD at this moment? Any of the mix CD's the boy does for me
What characteristics do you despise? Dishonesty and bigotry
Favourite item of clothing? Jeans!
If you could go anywhere in the world on holiday, where would you go? Can I give you a list?
What was your most recent memorable birthday? 30th spent in Puglia, Italy
Favourite sport to watch? Downhill Skiing or Extreme Bull Riding
What did you want to be when you were little? A ballet dancing car mechanic
What is your favourite sweet/chocolate? White chocolate orange
What was the last thing you ate? A piece of sponge cake baked my next door neighbour, yum!
Favourite drink? Tea!
Favourite restaurant? Prezzo when we're out and about, Pinocchio's or Chilli when we're in Barnsley
What are you afraid of? Dolphins
How many years at your current job? 4 months
Favourite day of the week?Friday
How many cities/towns have you lived in? Six