Exciting times - Getting the vote of support I needed.
Exciting times - Getting the vote of support I needed.

At the Board Meeting I was excited to put my ideas to the group. This being JCI I knew they would not be laughed down and that any comments would be creative and helpful. I wanted my board colleagues to buy into the idea, after all whilst I myself was committed to the plan, there were certain tasks that I could only achieve with JCI Reading's supportive team behind me.
So there it was - my idea was out there - Guide Dogs for the Blind - a national, well known and established charity, a visible charity as guide dogs are often seen out doing their important work, a charity appealing to all motivations, adults, children, disabilities and animals.
My fellow board fellows were supportive and encouraging, passing the resolution to adopt the charity for 2012, even offering forward ideas to consider and questions to ask of the charity at the now inevitable meeting that was to be arranged.
So, there it was, my goal to raise funds for Guide Dogs for the Blind was out there I had personally committed to it and told others, it was recorded in the minutes of the meeting.
Knowing that I had written down my goal gave and shared it with those around me gave me an immediate sense that I would achieve it.
Now, came the exciting and challenging task of planning how I would reach that goal, the steps I would need to take and the making sense of the muddle of ideas that was jumbled inside my head - I felt like I could do anything, and my JCI Reading friends were there to back me up.