Eversheds hosts Social Media workshop - BOOK NOW!
Eversheds hosts Social Media workshop - BOOK NOW!

Get the Inside Track on... the rise of online social media.
"To what extent can we discipline employees for comments they make on Facebook?"
"How can we best use sites like LinkedIn and Twitter to boost our online profile and recruitment reach?"
"Can we control or monitor the way in which our employees use social media sites, especially if there is a risk of employee bullying or harm to our business's reputation?"
The rapid rise of social media has added an exciting but often bewildering dimension to business activities. Although there has been a broadening of opportunities for businesses who use their online presence effectively, this has been accompanied by a variety of new and unfamiliar challenges for HR professionals. These challenges include issues of privacy, online misconduct and liability and implementing effective social media policies.
If you are interested in these issues, then Eversheds' first Inside Track event is for you. We are hosting a roundtable discussion on Wednesday 12 October 2011 to address the ever-increasing use of social media and the employment law implications of this trend. The discussion will be held in the private Wine Shop section of d'Arry's Cookhouse restaurant in Central Cambridge and will be the first in a series of roundtable discussions on topical employment law issues that are affecting HR professionals today.
About Inside Track
The series is aimed primarily at more junior HR professionals who are starting out in their careers and who would like to get up to speed with important issues, whilst gaining the opportunity to network with their peers from other organisations in a relaxed environment.
We aim to achieve a lively and informal atmosphere, where attendees feel confident in debating issues and sharing their experiences over great food and wine. Each roundtable discussion will therefore be limited to a maximum of 15 to 20 attendees, including both HR professionals and Eversheds solicitors specialising in employment law.
The programme will be as follows:
18:15 Arrival and drinks
19:00 Dinner and discussion
21:00 Close
The event is free to attend. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis and this event is already proving very popular.
We still have a couple of spaces left so, if you or one of your colleagues would like to attend, please email Frances Butler at francesbutler@eversheds.com to reserve a space.