Don't lose out in 2012
Don't lose out in 2012

Are you losing out on career development opportunities in 2012?
Do you want...
- Flexibility of commitment?
- A trusted national network of contacts?
- Reasons to contact and build network with people you otherwise would not feel comfortable approaching?
- Opportunity to build European and international level contacts?
- Proven track record on your CV from having run a national voluntary project?
Then consider taking on a project or programme role on JCI UK National level in 2012!
What is a JCI UK National Project?
A national project can be run on a number of levels and with various time commitments. It can even be run on the side of a role on a local board.
TOYP Ten Outstanding Young Person award is a good example on the flexibility of a national project:
-TOYP can be run as we have run it the last two years - we distribute information to local chambers and the press, collect applications, forward applications and check with HQ how it's going.
-TOYP can be run as a full-out national award programme deserving front page press; setting up a jury of high profile judges, gala dinner, national press, awards...
Have an idea for a project?
Maybe you have a local project you think deserves to be taken nationally? We need them! One example is ACE from Doncaster. Which programmes do you have lurking in the shadows that deserves the glory of a national project?
To get your creativity going, here are examples of projects that you can run:
- Sustainable energy. JCI Europe is providing support to projects on sustainable energy. JCI UK can tap into this by coming up with our own national initiatives.
- Global Compact. Interested in CSR and business? then this is a great project for you.
- Creative Young Entrepreneur Award
- JCI Nothing But Nets
- Partnership programs
- Entrepreneurship projects
- Something with sports
- membership engagement projects
- projects with the senators
- and endless more...
Not for you?
If you know someone who you think would be interested or capable but who you think is not likely to approach me on their own, feel free to ask them. Most people need to be asked, its flattering and it feels good for the person who is asked.
Get in touch with me on if you want to get involved!
JCI UK Deputy National President 2011