'Develop To Succeed' with Russell Hobbs
'Develop To Succeed' with Russell Hobbs
I’ve been to a number of JCI sessions now which are focused around developing yourself and the Develop to Succeed training like all others didn’t disappoint! I always find these sorts of sessions a great way to reflect on where both my business is currently at but also where I am at personally.
One strong focus in the session was the importance of understanding your personal values, it was surprising (but also comforting!) to see that no one else in the room was really sure of these either. From this, Russell suggested we ask people closest to us to give us three words that described us best - it was important that they were honest and didn’t just say things we wanted to hear. This was a bit daunting but the result was pleasantly surprising! This is a great exercise to help you understand how you come across to people along with your strengths and development areas.
There were also a great deal of other useful areas within the session that I was able to draw on from a professional and personal point of view and I came out with a to do list for my next staff meeting as long as my arm!
As always there was a great atmosphere at training and it was lovely to have a good catch up prior to the session in the informal networking.
Helen Green
JCI Sheffield Member
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