Christmas Card success for JCI Reading Guide Dog Campaign
Christmas Card success for JCI Reading Guide Dog Campaign
I've just totalled up the amount raised for Guide Dogs for the Blind from sales of my handmade Christmas cards in my place of work to my colleagues. £29! Not bad when the idea to sell Christmas cards for Guide Dogs for the Blind was quite literally last minute. I've made cards for a couple of years and have enjoyed it as a hobby-trouble is, I make more than cards than i can actually use! Friends and family have become accustommed to handmade cards and I began to offer the odd card for sale through work.
A sudden idea struck me-maybe I could offer handmade Christmas cards for sale with the profit going to Guide Dogs for the Blind. I sent out the email to colleagues and within just a day, I had an order for 25 Christmas cards, as well as 2 larger personalised Christmas cards - one of a traditional street scene - and one one Christmas pandas - yes, pandas!
The days of delivery soon came and nervously i delivered my orders - they were all delighted! I'll definitely prepare more cards for next Christmas, to add to JCI Reading's 2012 total raised for Guide Dogs for the Blind!
In the meantime, I could make cards for all occassions to be sold with profits being donated to Guide Dogs for the Blind.....hmmm!