Can you live on £1 a day?
Can you live on £1 a day?

January has started off with a bang! Our first training event 'New Year, New You' was packed with tips on how to boost your self confidence, remain positive and reach for your goals. Thank you to Neil Nutburn for getting us pointed in the right direction for 2013. It was great to see some new faces and catch up with good friends.
I was also so excited to see JCI Portsmouth members rally together and donate lots of food items to the Portsmouth Food Bank. There was a method to our madness as JCI UK has an amazing initiative '£1 a day challenge' starting on Monday 14 January. It is a great challenge where we total up how much we spend on food and drink in one week and donate the total minus £7 that we spend on food for the week.
I did my shopping today and while it sounds unrealistic to not spend more than £1 a day on food and drink, with a bit of planning and letting go of our favourite brands, it can be done. So all funds raised will go to Save the Children in an effort to eradicate hunger. Since we are raising awareness and funds on a national level, I thought we could do something on a local level...enter Portsmouth FoodBank. I am planning to drop the donations off on Monday 14 January and hopefully I will have a total pounds donated total for you tomorrow.
I am sure there will be lots of chatter on social media about how everyone is getting on with the £1 a day challenge. Anyone who know me knows that I LOVE my food and am constantly hungry...even right now...:) So my will power will be tested next week but it definitely makes you realise how lucky we are...:)
Until next time...