Ask Anything Q A 2 Interview with Jasmine Lambert

  • JCI UK / 2020 / Ask Anything Q A 2 Interview with Jasmine Lambert

Ask Anything Q A 2 Interview with Jasmine Lambert

Posted By admin |07 Sep 2020
Ask Anything Q A 2 Interview with Jasmine Lambert

Ahead of our second Ask Anything Q&A, managing your personal finances, we caught up with panellist Jasmine Lambert to find out about her experience.

Tell us about your expertise 

I am a qualified Financial and Estate Planner, so I advise clients on money management, Investments, Pensions, Wills, Inheritance Tax etc.

How long have you been a JCI member? 

Since 2011

What’s the best thing about being a JCI member? 

The sense of being part of a real community of like-minded people who all want to help each other succeed and develop themselves.

Tell us about a JCI highlight 

Being awarded my Senatorship! A complete surprise and an absolute highlight!  

How has JCI helped you in your career? 

Through the events, training and speakers I have seen at JCI, I have definitely improved my public speaking skills and my leadership abilities. It has made me a better leader to my team and a better communicator with my clients, which has added so much value to my business over the years.